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amfori BSCI - Business Social Compliance Initiative


amfori BSCI - Business Social Compliance Initiative

About bsci

The amfori-BSCI (Business Social Responsibility Initiative), is developed by amfori, an internationally recognized audit scheme on supply chain supervision and management system, continuously improving and properly managing the above possible situations in a holistic approach. SGS conduct amfori BSCI audits with the values and principles of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which include 13 interconnected Performance Areas.

It offers a step-by-step approach that enables companies to put sustainable trade at the heart of their business by:

  • Engaging with their business partners and monitoring their social performance
  • Becoming empowered and receiving support

As an auditing partner of amfori, at SGS we can help you to monitor your supply chain against the requirements of the amfori BSCI code of conduct. Effectively, this means monitoring your supply chain’s progress in implementing and improving sustainable business practices.

Service at a glance

BSCI principles

  • Management Systems
  • Working Hours and Fair Remuneration
  • Health and Safety
  • Human Rights
  • Environment
  • Business Ethics

Benefits of AMFORI BSCI

  • Improve the social performance of their supply chain
  • Reduce cost and increase efficiency
  • Have a clear and consistent approach that highlights best practices
  • Improve the resilience of their business to industry and market changes
  • Improve their businesses’ reputation by meeting the expectations of your customers and stakeholders

The AMFORI BSCI Audit Process

The amfori BSCI audit process may consist of a combination of full and follow up audits. Full audits take place every two years and cover all 13 performance areas, follow up audits are conducted in-between and focus only on those PAs that need new evidence of progress from the auditee. Each audit results in a rating, from A to E, which reflects the extent to which the auditee has integrated the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct into its daily business and operations. More information on:

why sgs?

Recognized Qualification of Professionalism
SGS is a founding member and full member of the leading industry association, Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA)

Instill Trust in Competency
With over 30 years of social compliance field experience, SGS’s strong technical background translates into the approval to conduct social responsibility assessments against a range of internationally recognized codes and standards.

Global Coverage with Local Expertise
Global and local network of experienced auditors is spread throughout sourcing countries, with over 600 auditors registered with the Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA).

Uniqueness and Credibility
SGS is an approved auditing company with qualified amfori BSCI auditors worldwide.

Order flow

1. Request A Quote

Complete the form to get an initial quote online

2. Confirm Quote

Confirm requirement, scope and schedule to finalize the quote

3. Arrange Payment

Arrange bank transfer payment and send record to us

4. Onsite Service

Conduct service based on committed schedule

5. Receive Report

Receive our audit report and certificate


  1. Login BSCI website (
  2. Click My Profile and find My RSP Holder.

Auditee can only get the approval from BSCI members to initiate and authorize BSCI audits. Complete application form, business license and full English name of authorized member should be provided to SGS if auditee (without DBID number or change address, e.g. moving factory) want to establish DBID number.

Yes, members can view the reports through searching its auditee’s DBID number and name on the BSCI platform.

amfori BSCI audits assess a producer against the values and principles of the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct, which are translated into 13 interconnected Performance Areas (PAs):

  • Social management system and cascade effect
  • Workers involvement and protection
  • The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • No discrimination
  • Fair remuneration
  • Decent working hours
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS)
  • No child labor
  • Special protection for young workers
  • No precarious employment
  • No bonded labor
  • Protection of the environment
  • Ethical business behavior

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GB 18401
EN 71-1
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