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GB 18401
EN 71-1


Sustainable textile products are becoming more popular in the textile industry as consumers seek ethical options. There are different market standards that provide guidance on monitoring the organic status of textiles, from raw materials to finished products, such as Global Organic Textiles Standard, GOTS). 

SGS provides a comprehensive range of physical, chemical, and GMO (genetically modified organisms) testing services for Organic Cotton Textile products.

About services

Physical & Quality Test Package

Our physical & quality test package consolidates the most common physical performance tests applying to organic cotton textile products(such as dimensional stability, color fastness, etc). The test items will be adjusted depending on your product type and age range. 

Chemical Test Package

Laboratory testing is used to check for the presence of chemical residues in finished products. Detection of chemical substances over the acceptable limit means that an “organic” claim cannot be made. Chemical substances checked in the testing protocol include: 

  • Alkylphenol and alkylphenol
  • AOX*
  • Azo dyes
  • Organotin compounds
  • Per- and polyfluorinated compounds
  • Pesticides
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Total heavy metals
  • Etc…

*AOX: Adsorbable halogenated hydrocarbons and related substances – using an AOX analyzer per international test method ISO 9562

GMO(Genetically Modified Organisms) Testing Service

In addition to testing for chemical residues in the finished product, the control of raw material inputs as part of a sustainable production process is also important. SGS screens for genetically modified organisms (GMO) using the International Workshop Agreement 32 (IWA 32) to ensure non-GMO cotton is used for producing organic textile products. 

Order flow

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Top search:
GB 18401
EN 71-1
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